
Showing posts from June, 2020

Probiotics and Diabetes: Can Probiotics Help?

Probiotics are becoming very popular nowadays. Researchers are finding that probiotics (beneficial bacteria) play a more important role in the human body than just helping in digestion. They are shown to have been connected with the immune system and the human brain that can regulate mood. According to some research, there is a lot to learn about the benefits of the use of probiotics. But what role does it play in the management of diabetes? Let’s check out: A study found that with everyday consumption of probiotic shake with L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum has resulted in the reduction of fasting blood glucose levels among people who face type two diabetes. After six weeks, fasting blood glucose HbA1C levels were reduced. Probiotics have also shown results in improving sensitivity from insulin which is helpful to manage our blood sugar levels. Another study found that those who consumed capsules of L. acidophilus had preserved insulin sensitivity. These results are f...

How to Select the Best Probiotic

Do you know that there are trillions of bacteria living in the human body, especially in the large intestine? This colonic community of bacteria is also known as the gut microbiota. It helps in improving immune health, digestion, and other functions. Some of these microorganisms can cause serious illness, so it is essential to have a proper balance of good and bad bacteria. When there is an imbalance, problems ensue. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that are similar to those which are normally found in our body. The probiotics products found in the market contain a broader range of bacterial strains. To reap the benefits, you need to choose the right ones and address a particular problem. What Are Probiotics? Probiotics are popular microorganisms that can help to restore good bacteria in the digestive tract. They can easily be found in forms of supplements like powders or pills and fermented foods like sauerkraut, miso, soybeans, yogurt, apple cider vinegar, and raw cheese. ...

Role of Probiotics on Overall Animal Health

Whenever we hear the word bacteria, we think about the germs that can cause serious illness. Bacteria can make you sick, but all of us, including animals, have bacterial flora lining in our intestinal tracts. These bacteria can prove to be beneficial to health, and you can fall sick when the balance of bacteria in the tract is altered. There are many numbers of conditions and even situations where the imbalance of gut bacteria can cause huge problems like trauma or injury, toxins, chronic disease, and stress. Our digestion of food and absorption of nutrients is done by the bacteria found in the intestinal tract, so a minor imbalance can also lead to serious illness. Lactobacillus thermophilus or acidophilus, Enterococcusfaecium, and Bifidobacterium bifidum are the major ingredients used to make probiotics and restore the balance in the gut. These healthy bacteria can prevent unhealthy bacteria from causing severe illness. Healthy bacteria also produce vitamin B that is important...