What is the Use of Sporlac Powder?

Sporlac powder is a tablet-based form of a powder offered by Sanzyme Biologics. It is used as a preparation of spore-bearing Lactic Acid Bacillus, which is a type of good bacteria. In Sporlac, Lactic Acid Bacillus are spore-bearing. They are very stable and can survive in gastric acid. They start germinating in about 30 minutes after reaching the small intestine and proliferate with repeated fission. Sporlac is also a major part of the normal beneficial microflora in the intestine. It contains Lactic Acid Bacillus which are Gram-positive anaerobic, microaerophilic, or aerotolerant homo fermentative rods. They help in the production of lactic acid, antibiotic like substance, bacteriocin, enzyme lactase, etc. Benefits of Spolac Powder: As discussed, Sporlac helps protect the intestinal flora from the invasion of pathogens and produce lactic acid that can help lower the pH of the intestines and make the surroundings inhospitable for the proliferation of pathogens. Hence, controlling Intes...