What Are The Most Common Types of Probiotics?

Probiotics are live bacteria that naturally live in our intestines, through a symbiotic exchange where both the human and the microbes receive benefits as a result of the relationship. While most of us naturally have a combination of gut flora that aid with the digestion process on a regular basis, some of this flora is destroyed as a result of poor intestinal health, infections, use of harsh antibiotics and other stressful conditions.

In such a scenario, it is possible to restore intestinal bacterial population through consuming probiotic supplements with a variety of bacterial strains that each contribute to a different type of benefit. Probiotics are of several types including supplements, foods and powders such as Sporlac Powder. In this article, we discuss a few such probiotics that you might use to improve your digestive health and live a healthy life.

Natural probiotics: Natural probiotics are a form where you consume the good bacteria as part of your food intake. Many traditional foods such as yogurts, kimchee, pickled vegetables, cheese and other fermented foods are all probiotic in nature. Through the fermentation process, the naturally helpful bacteria grows in the foods and when ingested helps with the food breakdown and absorption processes in our body. These are by far the best way to consume probiotics, under normal circumstances.

Food supplements: Some probiotics manufactured in probiotic manufacturing factories across the world are distributed as food supplements, instead of medicines. You would have seen products such as Yakult on grocery store stands and super markets - these are probiotics that can also be consumed on a regular basis besides our regular intake of fermented foods, or in the absence of fermented foods.

Medicinal use: While most probiotics are sold as food supplements and not medicines, there are some probiotic manufacturing factories prepare probiotic powders, tablets and capsules such as Sporlac Powder and Tablets that are recommended by doctors in extreme cases where there is a depletion of natural gut flora as a result of infections or consumption of strong antibiotics. In these cases, in addition to consuming healthy fermented foods, one will need a strong dosage of specially manufactured probiotic powders or tablets to bring their health back on track.

Do you consume probiotics on a regular basis? Does your diet include a healthy mix of fermented products and probiotic powders such as Sporlac Powder? Which are your prefered ways of probiotic consumption?


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