The Role And Top Benefits Of Probiotic Capsules

Probiotics are good bacteria lining the intestinal tract in the human body. A balance of good and bad bacteria is required to keep the overall health in god shape. Probiotics prevent the body from contracting several illnesses like IBS, diarrhoea, Skin eruptions, etc. During the earlier times people had several sources of fresh produce, and fermented foods that gave their bodies the required probiotics. But today, with the increase in pollution and degradation of natural sources these sources have diminished. The commercialization of the food industry has compromised the quality of foods we consume hence, the need for supplements.

Probiotics these days are available in several forms, tablets, capsules, and powders. One such probiotic is the lactic acid probiotic, there are several health benefits that are possible from this particular probiotic. According to research lactic acid probiotics can help in improving nutritional value of food, control of intestinal issues, improves digestion, controls serum cholesterol and helps control some types of cancers. A very common example of the Lactic Acid bacillus is Sporlac. Sporlac is a common powder form of probiotic that is common among people worldwide.

A second type of effective probiotic is the Saccharomyces Boulardii. This supplement is so strong that it survives antibiotics hence, making it an ideal pair. The origin of Saccharomyces Boulardii was during the French colonial days. It originates from Lychee and is a strong probiotic that can be taken alongside antibiotics. Generally, a probiotic need to survive in 37 degrees, and S. Boulardii has proven to survive this temperature allowing it to reach the colon in the human stomach. This is a type of yeast that originates from the skin of plants such as lychees.

There are several benefits to Saccharomyces Boulardii:

1. Helps in Crohn’s disease
2. Helps in Irritable Bowel Syndrome
3. Some people also use it for acne, skin ailments, etc.
4. S. Boulardii has also been proven to help with Helicobacter Pylori
5. It helps prevent traveler’s diarrhoea too.
6. It improves the immune system

Finally, while there are number of probiotics and sources from which we can get them. It is important to understand that buying probiotics from renowned manufacturers is important. One of the famous probiotics manufacturers are Sanzyme biologics. They make good quality probiotics with safe measures. Over the years they have made several incremental changes to their manufacturing process thus improving the quality too. 


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