Reasons For Using Bacillus Clausii

Bacillus Clausii is a probiotic used mainly in respiratory issues and irritable bowel syndrome. It is also a gram-positive bacteria that maintain a symbiotic relationship with its host organism. The research on Bacillus Clausii is still limited but it has been effective in treating gastrointestinal illnesses. It is also known to have resistance to antibiotics, it can reduce immune-modulatory effects and maybe change microbiota composition by contract or through bacteriocins productions. In the last years, the treatment of Bacillus Clausii in the prevention of gut barrier impairment has been studied. It is recommended for AAD and H. Pylori eradication. You can buy Bacillus Clausii supplements in the form of sachets, tablets, capsules, apart from granola bars, chocolates, and gummies.

In addition to the above, Bacillus Clausii is also used as a strain in Aquaculture. This gram-positive endospore's benefits in aquaculture are: improves immune systems, enhances the growth of species, and increases its resistance to diseases.

Recently, Sazyme Biologics - one of India's biggest pharmaceutical formulation development company- has ventured into aquaculture. They now produce probiotics that can be used in improving the health of fish and shrimp and aid in their growth. Out of the range of products Shrimp Probiotic Unimax is one of them. Uni Max is a flagship product of Sanzyme Biologics and an effective feed supplement. This probiotic has undergone various field trials to assess its benefits and performance.

As the name suggests, this probiotic is used in Shrimp culture and its various benefits are:

  1. It acidifies the gut of the shrimp and prevents the growth of pathogens like Clostridia, E Coli, Salmonella, Vibrio sp, and Streptococci. 
  2. It converts unavailable phosphorous into available phosphorous to enable digestion and assimilation. 
  3. It enhances the immune system by improving the resistance to diseases. 
  4. It prevents metabolic disorders, Vitamin C, and improves weight gain. 

Finally, probiotics are live microorganisms that mostly help in restoring gut imbalances in both aquaculture and humans. With the increase in pollutants in both water and air the use of these supplements to ensure health has seen a rapid rise.


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