Some Health Benefits Of Probiotics

Probiotics contain live yeast and bacteria that are beneficial for your health. They regulate good gut health and help your body absorb digested nutrients effectively. In a natural state, these bacteria are present in our gut and functioning in a symbiotic relationship with our healthy body. In fact, it is not just humans that benefit in such symbiotic relationships - a probiotic Uni Max, produced as an aquaculture probiotic has been known to improve the health conditions of fish and is widely used to produce high-quality yields, by fish farmers across India.

For humans, however, with indiscriminate consumption of highly acidic foods, unhealthy snacks, alcohol or high doses of antibiotics, however, these bacteria are wiped out from our bodies making our digestion and nutrient-absorption process less effective.

Here are some health benefits of probiotics.

  1. Restore the good bacteria in the gut: With our rapidly changing lifestyles, stress and other environmental factors, today, we all need a top-up of these ‘good bacteria’, in the form of probiotics, on a regular basis to keep good gut health. A good diversity of probiotics help restore a healthy gut, that help you make the most of your nutrition. 
  2. Prevent and treat diarrhoea: Bad gut health means that digested food runs quickly through the gut, not allowing enough time for nutrient-absorption. This also results in watery stools or diarrhoea. Having probiotics can not only help relieve symptoms but also prevent the onset of diarrhoea when taken regularly. 
  3. Keep your heart healthy: Some strains of probiotic bacteria are known to help improve heart health, especially lactic-acid producing bacteria that helps reduce the levels of cholesterol in the blood. This, in turn, keeps your heart fit and healthy. 
  4. Reduce the severity of allergies: A study found that infants that were fed a probiotic loaded milk supplement were less likely to develop allergies than their counterparts who were given normal milk. Some probiotics are also known to help reduce inflammatory responses in people with milk or dairy allergies, but the literature on this is quite limited. 
  5. Boost immunity: Probiotics improve how our body reacts with nutrients and uses them to improve health and immunity, by enhancing the production of natural antibodies that fight away infections. Hence healthy gut flora contributes to improving disease-resistance, by generally making us stronger and better prepared to deal with any new infections. 

Owing to their many good qualities and direct positive impact on health, it is time for us to make probiotics a part of our daily intake of nutrition. Whether you’d like to consume them as fermented drinks such as yoghurts or fermented foods such as kimchee, miso or tempeh is totally up to you.

You might also prefer a direct intake in the form of high-quality probiotic capsules made by Sanzyme, previously known as Uni-Sankyo, a pioneer in Indian Biotechnology - to gain the most for your gut health! The choice is yours. Happy gut to you!


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