The Latest Advice On Taking Probiotics

Are probiotics good for you, or bad? What amount of probiotics are okay to be consumed on a daily basis? Is it okay to take probiotics when you have an infection? How do you choose the right probiotic to address a specific health concern you might have? How do you choose between Sporlac powder or other yoghurt-based probiotics? You might have many questions surrounding the use of probiotics and their efficacy in warding off harmful bacteria, keeping you safe and healthy. So, what does the latest science say? Here, we bring you exactly that.

A 2017 review of 17 individual studies, with over 3600 non-hospitalised participants showed that consumption of probiotics, along with antibiotics brought down the incidence of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea by almost 50%. This means that probiotics helped one in every two people fend off the unwanted side effects of antibiotics - the most common of which is diarrhoea. Another study conducted with a total of over 8600 hospitalised participants concluded with moderate certainty that probiotics, similar to Sporlac powder helped reduce the risk of C. Difficile diarrhoea in adults and children consuming antibiotics. A detailed report may be found on this page - Probiotics for the Prevention of Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea in Outpatients—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

An older study, conducted in 2014 over a participant group of 1182 adults, showed that probiotics helped manage constipation, beneficially, especially when the probiotic strain used was B. Lactis.  The studies are generally conducted being neutral of the involvement of any Probiotic Manufacturing Factory, to keep the results accurate. These participants were covered across 14 different studies and results were taken together and analysed. The study is found here - The effect of probiotics on functional constipation in adults

The use of probiotics to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has also been well-known. A study conducted in 2018 too showed that probiotics may have beneficial effects on global IBS symptoms as well as abdominal pain. However, it was not possible to get outright conclusions about which strains of probiotics did most benefit or the combinations which could bring the most useful effects. This review combined results from 53 studies and over 5500 participants that used probiotics such as Sporlac Powder and naturally occuring probiotics like yoghurts. The detailed report may be accessed here - NCCIH fact sheet on irritable bowel syndrome.

The benefits that probiotics have are hugely dependent on the quality of the manufacturing process, raw material and purification they undergo. A good probiotic manufacturing factory will consider the appropriate temperature, moisture and pressure conditions that keep the microbiomes in the right environmental conditions to flourish and produce probiotic outputs that have positive and beneficial health effects.

It is useful to always know what the latest science says about your health supplements before you continue taking them. Traditional wisdom, as well as scientific consensus, stays with the fact that probiotics such as natural yoghurts, kimchi, or health supplements such as Sporlac powder, produced by a probiotic manufacturing factory, help your gut and keep you protected against certain types of diarrhoea and constipation, while also helping your body gain the most benefits from the nutrients absorbed effectively. Which is your favourite way to consume probiotics? Let us know, in your comments below.  


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