What Medical Conditions Can Probiotics Help With?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are intended to offer a variety of health benefits when consumed. They comprise good, live bacteria and/or yeasts that naturally live in our body, in a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship. Some types of probiotics, produced in dedicated bacillus facilities, are useful in replacing our gut-flora or helpful bacteria and maintaining a good balance of this bacteria in our intestines is crucial to having a healthy gastrointestinal and digestive health.

Since the mid-1990s, clinical studies have shown positive indications that probiotic therapy can help provide relief and even treat several gastrointestinal illnesses, delay the development of allergies, as well as play a key part in making our immune systems stronger and capable of warding off any infection-causing microbes that might enter the bloodstream. Some probiotics manufacturers show evidence to claim that probiotics consumption might even give you better-looking, glowing, healthy skin.

So, we put together a list of medical conditions that probiotics are known to help with, and are produced by several probiotics manufacturers across India.

Prevent and treat diarrhea: Probiotics such as lactobacillus subtilis produced in dedicated bacillus facilities are widely known for their ability to prevent diarrhea or reduce its severity. By helping our bodies effectively digest the food we consume, they restore the natural balance in the intestines making them stronger and healthier. Further, by slowing down the process from a diarrhea state to a normal state, they help in nutrition absorption, thus giving our bodies more nourishment from our food.

Improve immunity: A lack of natural immunity could make your body vulnerable to a wide variety of infections and diseases that cause weakness in the long run. Certain strains of probiotic bacteria help our bodies absorb most of the macro and micro nutrients from the digestive tract - especially those vitamins and minerals that are necessary for disease-fighting resistance. This in turn, improves immunity and makes us healthier and well.

Mental health conditions: Both animal and human studies done across the world have found indications that probiotic supplements, such as Bifidobacterium strains and lactobacillus strains- produced in dedicated bacillus facilities can provide relief in some mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and memory loss.


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