Why Probiotics Are Needed For Animals & Their Health Care?

Probiotics are known as microbial food supplements that can affect an animal's gut health by improving its microbial balance. They can also prove to improve feed conversion for some species reducing morbidity or mortality. They can even help in benefiting the consumer with improved product quality. Chickens, pigs, and calves are shown progress after consuming bacterial probiotics, whereas yeasts and fungal probiotics are given to adult ruminants for better results. Probiotics also helped in enhancing the growth of many domestic animals. They also protected animals against pathogens, enhanced immune response, reduced antibiotic use, and many more.
Here are some reasons on why probiotics are used in animal production:

Improved growth rate:

In animals, microorganisms used as probiotics were linked with efficacy on the gut. Probiotic strains were improved with feed intake, feed conversion rate, daily weight gain in the chicken, pig, sheep, goat, and cattle.

Milk production:

Animals who feed on probiotics have a benefiting effect on milk yields, fat, and protein content. Blood and milk parameters were seen to improve with higher serum cholesterol and total lipids concentrations. In milk products microbes are selected for their ability to produce organic acids. In the case of probiotic products, these microbes are selected because of their health-associated properties.

Egg production:

Probiotics has been seen to help in the increase of egg production and egg quality with decreasing egg contaminations. It also helped in the increase of eggshell weight, shell thickness, and serum calcium. It even helped to reduce plasma cholesterol and triglyceride.

Here are some of the probiotics applications in animal health:

Protection against pathogens:

The intestinal bacteria inhibit pathogens with nutritional sources in the immune system. These mechanisms are not mutually exclusive. The variation in efficacy of probiotics under conditions may be attributable to the probiotic preparation or by external conditions.

Enhance the immune response:

The intake of probiotics is also associated with effects on the immune system like improved disease resistance and reduced risk of allergies. Probiotics on a healthy animal can stimulate non-specific immune responses enhancing the immune system.

Animal Health Products


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