Probiotics: Past, Present, and Future

Probiotics are known as live bacteria and yeasts which benefits a person’s health a lot. They can be found in the human digestive system and also in some foods and supplements.

Probiotics are known as useful bacteria and people consume probiotics in the hope to balance their intestinal flora which is also known as the gut microbiome. There are various strains of probiotic bacteria, but the most known are Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium groups.

Probiotics and prebiotics are known as microbiota management solutions that can help to improve host health. They target gastro intestine via the gut. Some of the major benefits of probiotics include:

  • It helps in boosting the health of the gut microbiome.
  • It helps in restoring the balance to the microbiome after an illness.
  • It helps by supporting the immune system.

According to many probiotics manufacturers, there are huge health benefits linked to consuming probiotics. However, there are also related side effects that can affect a small percentage of our population. Let’s check out some of the side effects that can be caused by probiotics:

Can cause unpleasant digestive symptoms:

It is one of the most common reactions with bacteria-based probiotic supplements with an increase in gas and bloating. People who have consumed yeast-based probiotics can also experience constipation and increased thirst. To reduce this effect, you can start with a low dose of probiotics, increasing slowly which will help your body to adjust.

Probiotic can trigger headaches

Probiotic-rich foods, like yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi, contain some biogenic amines. Amines are certain substances that can form when protein foods age or get fermented. Some of the common amines that are found in foods include histamine, tyramine, tryptamine, and phenylethylamine. They can excite your central nervous system ultimately increasing and decreasing the blood flow that triggers headaches.

Can increase infection risk

In a few cases, the bacteria, which are found in probiotics, can easily enter the bloodstream that causes infections in individuals. They pose the greatest risk to people who have suppressed immune systems, long hospitalizations, or those who have undergone surgeries recently.

Strains can increase histamine levels

Sometimes, strains that are used in these probiotic supplements can produce histamine in the digestive tract. Histamine is mainly produced by the immune system when it detects a threat. When the level rises, the blood vessels can dilate to bring more blood to the affected area. This process can create redness or swelling and trigger allergy symptoms such as watery eyes, itching, runny nose, or trouble breathing.

In the future, technology is likely to substantially reduce the side-effects of using probiotics.

Dedicated bacillus facilities:

Sanzyme Biologics is known for manufacturing dedicated bacillus facilities. It helps in fields that help in producing microbial products. They also contribute to end-to-end production with decades of technological improvement which is reliable and are even long-term choice for the inclusion of probiotics in supplements, food, and pharmaceuticals.


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