What Are Probiotics And Prebiotics?

Probiotics and prebiotics have become a major topic in nutrition nowadays. Even though they sound similar, both of them play different roles in the human body. Do you know that the lining of your gut is covered with microscopic creatures, mostly bacteria? These organisms create a micro-ecosystem known as the microbiome, and they play a considerable role in your health by affecting your mood and behavior.

What Are Prebiotics?

Prebiotics is a type of fiber that the human body is unable to digest. They generally serve as food for probiotics which are tiny living microorganisms including bacteria and yeast.  Both prebiotics and probiotics support helpful bacteria and other organisms in the gut.

Prebiotics are also a component of foods that our body is unable to digest. The benefits of prebiotics are directly linked to probiotics. Prebiotics can support a healthy gut, better digestive health, fewer antibiotic-related health problems, and other benefits.

Some research also suggests that prebiotics can benefit the human body in the following ways:
  • Improve calcium absorption.
  • Improve the processing of carbohydrates.
  • Improve the growth of gut bacteria that can enhance the digestive metabolism.
Prebiotics generally occur naturally in many fruits and vegetables, so that there is no need to take any kind of supplements.

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are microorganism that can help to restore bacteria in the digestive tract. They can also be found in supplements like powders or pills and fermented foods like kefir, vegetables like miso and sauerkraut, fermented soybeans, apple cider vinegar, yogurt, and raw cheese. There are various types of probiotics that are good for our health, and some of the most common of them are lactobacillus (lactic acid) and Bifidobacterium. Sporlac Powder is a type of probiotic that can help treat diarrhea caused due to infections, antibiotics, etc. Probiotics can also help to improve skin conditions like preventing wrinkles by increasing skin’s hydration.

Some research also shows that probiotics are beneficial for:
  • Digestive health – Various studies have found that probiotics can improve digestion in some people reducing the risk of antibiotic-related diarrhea by 60 percent.
  • Mental health – A piece of research suggests that probiotics can also help in treating mental illness. According to the review, it can help to alleviate the symptoms of depression.
The production of probiotic strain is processed through a standardized concentration of bulk powder. The finished product is stored, frozen & shipped in cold-pack to ensure viability and product quality for subsequent manufacturing or distribution. That bulk powder is then formulated into various formats like capsules, tablets, sticks, etc. All the manufacturing takes place in controlled spaces having suitable temperature and humidity. Probiotic Manufacturing Factory is all about controlling the extensive production of saccharomyces boulardii that involves rigorous analysis and testing at every step. In the last process, the concentrated powder is released after quality check at various manufacturing sites.


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