What is the Best Time of Day to take Probiotics?

You might have never taken any probiotics, but you must’ve heard about it.

Probiotic supplements can also provide numerous benefits that contain live microorganisms, like bacteria or yeast, that supports the healthy bacteria in your gut.

You can still wonder on when you can take them.

What are Probiotics Used for?

Probiotics can help you keep your gut healthy by preventing any harmful organisms' growth, reinforcing the barrier in the gut, and restoring bacteria after the disturbances from illness or medications.

While it might support a healthy immune system and oral, skin, & mental health, research on the benefit is also very limited.

Some types of live microorganisms in the probiotic supplements also occur in naturally cultured or fermented foods. These foods can lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and even weight.

If you don’t eat fermented food regularly, then you must consider taking probiotic supplements.

Does the Timing Matter?

Probiotic manufacturers recommend taking supplements on an empty stomach, while some advice to take it with food.  

Although it is pretty difficult to measure bacteria viability in humans, few studies suggest that Saccharomyces boulardii microorganisms can even survive in equal numbers with or without a meal.

On the other hand, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium can survive when taken up to 30 minutes before a meal.

Consistency is also very important whether you take your probiotic with or without food.

Meal Composition Might Help

The microorganisms used in the probiotics can ensure that they can survive various stomach or intestine conditions.

Taking probiotics with some specific foods can also optimize the effects.

In a study, the survival rates of microorganisms in probiotics can be improved when the supplement was taken alongside oatmeal or low-fat milk.

Research also suggests that a small amount of fat can also improve bacterial survival in the digestive tract.

Lactobacillus can also survive better alongside sugar or carbs as they can rely upon glucose in an acidic environment.

Production of probiotics is a delicate process. It requires years of experience in the field of microbiology, an investment in state-of-the-art equipment, and a fine-tuned process to create a viable product. One of the most crucial steps for developing high-quality probiotics is isolated, purified & validated strain to achieve potential health benefits. All manufacturing of probiotics takes place in spaces that have controlled temperature and humidity. Probiotic Manufacturing Factory incorporates extensive control in production, involving rigorous analysis and testing at every critical step.

Probiotic Bacillus clausii

Bacillus clausii is also a rod-shaped, Gram-positive, motile, and spore-forming bacterium. It is even classified as a probiotic microorganism which can maintain a symbiotic relationship with the host organism. It is also studied for respiratory infections and some gastrointestinal disorders. It has been found to produce anti-microbial substances.

Uses of Probiotic Bacillus Clausii

Bacillus clausii is used as a probiotic treatment to protect the gut from infection, acute or chronic diarrhea, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, Helicobacter pylori therapy and treat nasal allergies or upper respiratory infections in children. It has also been suggested that Bacillus clausii is effective for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome-related symptoms.

Bacillus Clausii is used as a dietary supplement in health food products, like granola bars, chocolates, and gummies. You can buy bacillus clausii in the form of sachets, tablets, capsules, and powders which are available easily in any nearby pharmacy.  It is also used as a feed supplement in poultry, aquaculture, swine, and other vet segments.

Bacillus clausii SNZ 1971 can survive in the gastric environment and reach the intestine where it can develop into a vegetative form. This characteristic is crucial for a microorganism used in oral bacterio-therapy.


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