Guidelines for Selecting the Best Probiotics

 Nowadays, Probiotics seem to be all that rage. They have many purported benefits and even a relatively low risk of side effects, so manufacturers are taking advantage of these booming business opportunities. It is also important that you are educated as much as possible about the best types of probiotics to choose what is right for you and your family.

What Are Probiotics?

Are all probiotics the same?

Probiotics are known as live microorganisms that have numerous health benefits to humans. They are available in supplement form or in probiotic foods and drinks like in Bacillus Coagulans Medicine. They are also thought to be akin to the "good" bacteria which is found in your intestines. These "good" bacteria can also enhance your health through the support of the immune systems.

How to choose the best probiotic supplement

If you go for a commercial probiotic supplement or just curious about the brand that your health care professional recommends, then here are a few things to consider before buying probiotics:

1.     Billions are better.

Millions might sound like a lot, but it is not much with probiotic supplements. You might want a prebiotic supplement that contains billions of organisms. A probiotic dose will also range from five to 100 billion colony-forming units (CFUs); it is the measure used to express its potency.

2.     Diversity

Your gut is quite diverse, so your probiotics must be too. Look for supplements which contain multiple strains. Inferior brands can contain only one probiotic strain, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus. Apart from the beneficial Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains, a good probiotic also contains Strep.thermophilus and Saccharomyces boulardii, among others.

3.     Go dairy-free

Ideally, look for a dairy-free probiotic supplement which contains at least 15 billion CFUs each of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains and is guaranteed by the manufacturer through the expiration date.

4.     Watch out for binders and fillers

Always read for the other ingredients on the label. Some types of commercial probiotic supplements have undesirable binders and fillers, like lactose or cornstarch which can cause a reaction like gas and bloating if you are sensitive to them.

5.     Make sure that the probiotics don’t go bad

Always look for the expiration date, after which the potency can no longer be guaranteed. Some probiotics might need refrigeration which should be mentioned on the label.

Benefits of Probiotics

Probiotics are being studied for a range of health benefits. They are also theorized to have the following health benefits:

1.     Boost your immune system

2.     Help to ward off infection

3.     Reduce harmful bacteria

4.     Improve the thickness and strength of the mucus in the intestines

Sanzyme’s Liquid Probiotics Uniclear

Uniclear is a combination of effective photosynthetic bacteria that is a flagship product of Sanzyme Biologics and used mostly in Aquaculture. Uniclear has a blend of Rhodococcus species and Rhodobacter. This product is studied for its benefits and performance in aquaculture. Some of the key benefits of Liquid Probiotics Uniclear are that it effectively reduces the black soil and helps in clearing out the organic matter.


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