Probiotics in Aquaculture - An Emerging Arena

Nutrition is important in providing chemical and physiological processes among animals for normal functioning of increase in immunity, resistance from disease, maintenance, and growth. It involves ingestion, helps in digestion, absorption, and also transport of nutrients along with the removal of waste. There are also about 20 inorganic elements that help in performing many essential functions in the body among aquaculture. Some minerals which are also required in large quantities are termed Macro-elements while others that are required in lesser amounts known as Micro-elements (Trace Minerals). These micro-elements play a greater role in shrimp nutrition along with other minerals for better production and for a healthy shrimp/fish body.

What is the major function of minerals?

The basic function of minerals includes maintaining the exoskeleton, the balance of osmotic pressure, structural constituents of tissues, the transmission of nerve impulses, and muscle contractions. Minerals are important components for enzymes, hormones, vitamins, pigments, metabolism, and catalysts. Aquaculture probiotic ecosense can absorb or excrete minerals directly from the aquatic environment via gill and body.

What is the major function of Micro-elements?

The trace minerals or micro-elements like chromium, copper, cobalt, iodine, iron, molybdenum, selenium, manganese, and zinc, are required in small quantities and in a variety of biochemical processes. They can help in maintaining metabolism, formation of skeletal structures, maintain colloidal systems, regulate acid-base equilibrium, enhance immunity, release stress, resistance from disease, and other physiological functions. According to the fish site, micro-elements are also an essential component of hormones and enzymes in shrimps which serve as an activator of a variety of enzymes.

Here are some benefits of trace minerals in shrimp culture:

a. Nutrition and Aquaculture

According to the fish site, aquaculture when developed in high stocking density has seen an increase in production level. Ponds’ natural food resources aren’t enough to provide the required nutrition to shrimp/ fish that are under commercialization culture practice. The soluble nutrition that is found in the pond water doesn’t consider sufficient for fast body growth among animals who have limited culture period. A balanced diet is also required to overcome the nutrition deficiency of culture shrimp/fish.

Supplementary feeding is essential because they have a major share in this culture. The minerals play a major role in nutrition for various functions of the growing body for semi-intensive/ intensive culture. The enriched minerals dietary composition has many significant impacts like functioning the immune system, resistance to harmful disease, and stress-free for shrimp/fish. Most of the nutrient requirements among these cultured animals are determined by the ponds’ environment.

b. Stress and disease resistance

Fluctuating environment when combined with practical husbandry practices can result in the development of stress situations that can affect the physiology and micro mineral requirements for shrimp culture. According to the fish site, during a stressful situation, the selenium status is maintained effectively by an organic form of selenium than by the inorganic form. Stress can affect the osmotic and ionic regulation in gills. Micro-elements are known to reduce stress among shrimps/fishes in aquaculture probiotics sanero

c. Dietary requirements

Aquatic animals have an ability to absorb minerals from their surrounding water along with the food ingested, and because of the variation in salt regulation of osmotic pressure. Generally, fish and shrimp live in a hypertonic environment, and drinking salt water can partly fulfill their mineral requirements. Shrimp also make for direct absorption of minerals through the gills, fins, and skin. However, the situation in freshwater fish and prawns is reverse. According to Cowey and Sargent, 1979, Freshwater fish and prawns need more adequate mineral supply in their diet than marine fish and shrimp. The requirement of a fish or shrimp will depend to a large extent upon the concentration of elements in the water body.

d. Mineral Bioavailability

The bioavailability and tissue storage of trace minerals is of primary importance in their nutritional performance. According to the fish site, minerals have higher bioavailability than other inorganic forms which interact less with each other in the digestive tract. Amino acid chelates have cobalt, manganese, and zinc which are not found on inorganic salts. Organic chelate has zinc methionine which has three times more potent than inorganic sulfate. The organic forms can enhance the absorption of elements by releasing the element or being absorbed as an intact chelate. Chelated minerals are pretty less sensitive to the inhibitory action of compounds because of their reduced solubility. The increase in bioavailability and effectiveness in organic micro-elements can reduce the inputs and also decrease waste discharge to the environment.

One of the most profitable fish farming methods is Biofloc farming which is practiced in a tank that is available in various sizes. Some of the most common sizes are of four diameters. Biofloc technology converts all the unused feed and aqua animal feces into food in Shrimp Culture Minerals, which when exposed to sunlight creates a protein-rich live feed.

Probiotics are not only made for humans but are also used widely in Aquaculture. It is because of the fact that there was a drastic increase in the use of antibiotics that has led to the imbalance in the guts of aquatic creatures.

The irregular growth of shrimp and fish during cultivation is caused because of a number of factors. One such condition is that they are in unfavorable growth conditions. Probiotics have also helped maintain sustainable and safe solutions.

Sanzyme Biologics which is known for its production of probiotics like Sporlac has also ventured into the aquaculture sector and they are working towards the stabilization of fish and shrimp. One of their key products is Aquaculture Probiotic Ecosense that is a blend of 6 Bacillus species. Major benefits of these probiotics are:

It can help to produce various antibacterial substances that can effectively control the Vibrio loads in water.

It can produce enzymes like lipase, protease, amylase, and cellulase that can aid in digesting organic waste which is harmful to phytoplankton.


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